Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry New Yearsmas!

Heyo, Sorry for the lack of updates. A combination of the holidays and a hefty work load has left me with little to no time to play games. I did get Rockband though!

My tale begins and on a cold and stormy night. Well it was cold, but not so stormy. I had just gotten back into town from working and was quite hungry. I decided I'd stop in to Gino's Pizza (PLUG! Gimme free pizza Gino's!!!) and grab a panzerotti for dinner. While I waited anxiously for it to be made I walked over to Roger's Video (PLUG x2! Gimme free movies/games Roger's!!!) to browse while I waited. As I entered the store my eyes fell upon a large box. On the box was written "RockBand". My jaw dropped and I looked at the clerk at the counter and asked "Oh my god, is that Rock Band?". The clerk looked at me and said yes. I asked if they had the Xbox360 bundle and they did. I can't remember exactly what I said but it was something along the lines of "OMG Gimme!". 176$ later I had Rockband!... and to a lesser note, a panzerotti too! I had to go out right afterwards so I didn't get a chance to play for a little while. Alex and Matt came over when I got back and we ripped it open and formed a band. We named our band 'Ebola Cubed' which in itself is it's own story. I took up the Drums while Alex plucked Bass and Matt shredded on Lead Guitar.

Intermission! ~Let's all go to the lobbbyy and get ourselves a snack!~

For Christmas I was heading to my sisters in London. I brought Rockband with me so that while we were at her boyfriend's parents on Christmas Eve. That went well for a while until the unthinkable happened! My nephew knocked over my Xbox360 with the game still running! I rushed to the system and opened the disc tray and to my dismay the disc has a ring in it from where the laser struck it in the impact. I nearly cried. My sister offered to buy me a new disc but finding one now would be next to impossible. I packed up Rockband and tried not to think about it for the rest of the day. On my way back on Christmas day I stopped for gas in Brantford and across from the gas station was a Blockbuster (PLUG x3! Gimme free movies/games Blockbuster!!!) that was open and to my surprise they offered a disc refinishing service. None of the other stores around Hamilton offer that to my knowledge. I went in and asked if they could refinish it and they said they could but it would only be a 50/50 chance of it working. I said that was better than nothing and handed them the disc. They felt so bad for me about which game it was and how hard it was to find that they did the refinishing for free. I got the game home and popped it in and it worked again! Crisis averted! Time will tell if its completely fixed but it appears to be working at the moment. I may still run into a spot that wont read properly but lets hope that doesn't happen.

Well that's my tale. Exciting eh?

Lot's of video game purchases made over the last few days. (Yay boxing day sales!) I'll list what I got next post. For now I'm off!


Friday, December 14, 2007

'Ace Combat Six'? More like 'Ace Combat Sux'!

Sorry for the lack of update for the last few days. It's been pretty hectic around here. My parents left for Florida, like they do every year, and I'm left alone to run the family business. I have twice the workload right now than I normally do. It calms down closer to Christmas though luckily. I can't really complain cause I make a fair amount while they are gone. Just doesn't leave me much time for games.

I played 9 out of (16 I think) missions of Ace Combat 6. The graphics were amazing and very life-like but I just wasn't getting into the game. I had no intention of every buying or renting it but I couldn't beat the deal I got it for. Anyways, after trudging through 9 missions I finally had my fill of the game. Playing any more would be forced labor and not any fun at all. If playing isn't going to be fun, it's not worth it. So I traded the game in at Blockbuster for 38$ credit. This was great seeing as I only paid 20$ for it. Yay 18$ profit!

While I was at blockbuster I was rummaging through the games section and found a used copy of Soul Calibur II for Gamecube on sale for 4.99$. For that price I couldn't go wrong. I've always liked the Soul Calibur games. They one of my three favorite fighting game franchises, the others being Dead or Alive and Capcom fighting games. The version of this game for Gamecube has Link from Zelda as the guest character. On Xbox they have Spawn for the guest character and for PS2 they have Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken franchise. I played through once quickly as Link to test it and make sure that it worked and it did. Link was actually very enjoyable to play. I was kind of skeptical as I thought it was more of a gimmic than anything else but he's a well rounded character.

Anyways, Not sure whether to start Two Worlds for Xbox360 or Final Fantasy XII for PS2. I might wait until I have a bit more time closer to Christmas/New Years.


PS>On a side note, if anyone knows where I can get VHS cases with transparent sleeves please let me know. I want to put my N64 and SNES games in them and print off labels. I can get them on Ebay but shipping is kinda pricey. Color doesn't matter as long as they have the sleeves and I'd prefer them without the center hubs.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lordy, lordy! 2 for 40!!

First off, sorry for the poor image quality but until EA and their stupid website starts working properly I'm reduced to taking pictures of the TV. This was my starting car. Aside from visual upgrades it is completely stock. I managed to defeat Kenji (the first boss) with this and won his car. I switched to his RX-7 since it was Tier 2 and finished the next two bosses with that car. For the third race wars though I had to upgrade the RX-7 so it could compete with Tier 3 cars. I bought a Mistubishi Lancer with as soon as Tier 3 cars were available for purchase. I upgraded that one up the wazzoo and proceeded to take down the final boss. It took a few tries but I eventually beat him and finished the career mode. I've finally beaten NFS: Carbon after having it for over a year. One thing that annoys me though is the fact that I didn't unlock any achievements aside from the ones for beating career mode. All other achievements in this game cannot be accomplished while playing career races. You have to either go online or go into free roam to complete them. I like having achievements, but I don't want to go that far out of my way for them. So I guess I'll have to live with a measly 2 acheivments for this game.

While somewhat on the topic of street racing, the government of Ontario is revoking a Reverend named Jo from renewing his custom plates. They read "Rev Jo" and the government fears that this might encourage street racing. Silly peoples and their silly rules...

Rogers Video has it's "2 for 40$" sale on again. Any two used games for 40$. I bought Bioshock, Timeshift, Two Worlds and Ace Combat 6. Each was priced at 40$ individually but I got all 4 for 80$. I think I will trade Ace Combat 6 into blockbuster once I beat it as I really have no desire to keep it. The trade in value for it is 38$ and I officially only paid 20$ for it! I could probably trade all these in and make a decent profit since they are all fairly new games.

Anyways, gonna play some more Ace Combat 6 before I leave for my RP group tonight. Catch ya later!


Friday, December 7, 2007

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

There's the finished product. It works pretty good too. I gave up on using the wheel with NFS: Carbon though as it's way too sensitive in that game. The wheel has 270 degrees of movement but only 30 degrees seem to matter in this game. I've played it with Forza and others and didn't have this problem. I'll assume that it's because the wheel was released well after the game came out but a sensitivity option wouldn't have hurt. So I'm going to continue with my in game career using the gamepad.

Before I gave up on the wheel I defeated Kenji with my stock RX-8. I wonder if they scale down the difficulty depending on the level of your car? I won his car at the end too and am driving that now as it's a Tier 2 car and alot more powerful. I'll post pictures of my cars later when isn't being the worlds biggest bitchcake. Stupid EA...


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I like my women like I like my cars... old and rusty...

That's actually the furthest from the truth. "I like my women like I like my cars... new-ish, clean, with low kilometers and preferably with a warranty against defects" is more like what I would say.

I decided that Need For Speed: Carbon for the Xbox360 would be the next game I play. This was the first game I got when I bought my 360. I was a big fan of the Need For Speed: Underground series, and while this was not a direct sequel to them, it was along the same lines. I almost finished this game once when I got it but I am going to start over fresh. I have the wireless racing wheel as well which I didn't have last time I played so it should be a completely different experience.

A while ago I built a stand for the racing wheel that would support it and the pedals. It was big and clunky and took up a lot of space so eventually I just disassembled it and popped it in the basement. Today I brought it back out and redesigned it. I used a lot of the old pieces but added some new functionality to it. I replaced some screws with carriage bolts and washers to make better pivot points and added special hinges on the bottom of it. It now is collapsable, locks shut and can be adjusted for different heights. You can also change the angle at which the wheel faces you. Kind of like a low-tech tilt feature you find on real cars. I'm in the middle of painting it now. Once this first coat dries and the second coat goes on I'll take a pictures so you can see it for my next post. Then I can get back into playing NFS: Carbon.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh snows? Oh noes!!!

I finished Mass Effect today! Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been quite busy with work lately and haven't had to time to play any games :( After I finished work today though I popped in Mass Effect and finally finished it. The story was awesome and I can't wait for a sequel. I hope Bioware doesn't pass it off to Obsidian to develop the sequel though like they did with Knights of the Old Republic II and Neverwinter Nights II. Not that Obsidian makes bad games, they are just not as good as the product that Bioware produces.

I joined a D&D group this weekend. We had our first session this Saturday. It's going to take a little getting used to but I'm enjoying it. We are playing AD&D 2nd Edition and I'm a level one Mountain Dwarf fighter named Daelyn. The more I play, the more I'll get into it and it will feel like I am actually contributing. Right now it's kinda just me tagging along and observing and seeing how things work. I need to read the book on Dwarves so I can learn how to roleplay as one better.

Anyways, just a quick update to say that I finished the game. Not sure what I'm going to attempt next though. I have KOTOR and KOTORII so I could keep a Bioware RPG theme going and play those. I also have Jade Empire coming in soon from Ebay too which is another. I think for now I'll just relax and think about it some more in the morning.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Mass Effect leaves my "Mass" Erect!

This game is great. I'm enjoying every aspect of it. I've about 15 hours into it and have hardly touched the main quest. Makes me worry a bit as to when I'll finally be finished it though. I have until Dec 18th when RockBand comes out to try and beat it though! Take that Blockbuster! Yay no late fees! Anyways, just a quick update to let you all know I'm still stomping on through the game. Nothing else really happened today worth noting.

Snow tonight which probably means work tomorrow. So I'm going to keep this short.


Two games with 'ass' in the title? Coincidence?

'A new medical term was coined today. MEE, or better known as "Mass Effect Erection".'

~~*Spoiler Free!*~~

I rented Mass Effect yesterday after returning Assassin's Creed. To be honest I hadn't been following the progress of the game at all aside from that I knew there was a lot of hype surrounding it. I actually didn't even know it was a Role Playing Game. I Originally thought it was going to be just another cookie cutter First Person Shooter with shiny graphics. It is soooo much more than that though, and I am thankful it is.

Initial Impressions:
The game so far is amazing. It's more in depth than any game I can recall playing to date. This is one of those games that makes you forget that you are playing a game and completely immerses you in the universe. Something like this I was expecting from games like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion but it didn't quite deliver like this game. There is so much attention to detail that has been paid to the universe. With the game is a Codex that logs all information about the universe that you discover. As you play the game and find new sources of information your Codex grows. It's kind of like the Mass Effect 'Wiki'. The amount of information that gets stored in it is kind of overwhelming. Not everyone will pay attention to this or even look at it, but I have read every entry and love it. Bioware has painstakingly put a lot of effort into this feature and in my opinion at least deserves a quick glance over.

Well I'm going to head back into the game now.

Commander Scynthe Shepard reporting for duty! *salute*

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Orange button in Guitar Hero is a mini-boss!

I played some more Guitar Hero today. I had previously beaten both GH2 and GH3 on Easy and Medium and now it was time to start Hard. That orange button is a pain in of itself. It takes alot of getting used to to be able to shift your fingers over for it. I'm starting to get the hang of it though. I'm about 10 songs into Hard on GH2 and about 1/2 way or more through GH3. I'm stuck on one song right now that I figured if I took a little break from I'd be better at it when I tried again.

Before I rented Assassin's Creed I was playing GTA3 so I figured I'd pop that in the ol' PS2 again and continue. I played a bit more today and got to Stauntan Island for the first time. Yay... even more spots to get lost. Is there a map feature in this game aside from the mini-map that I have overlooked? It would make life soooo much easier. Anyways, imma take a break from GTA3 and wander off to watch a movie. I watched Blades of Glory last night. The beginning was kinda boring but it got better towards the end. The chase scene was great! I laughed during that more than throughout the rest of the movie combined. Later Gators!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Oh Cyclops... how the once mighty mutant has fallen.

First Hairspray and now Enchanted? The once leader of the X-men is now a pansy? Well, more of a pansy at least?

I got all 5 stars on Medium now on both Guitar Hero 2 and 3 and am working my way into Hard. The orange button is a pain. I find that when I move to use it I lose track of where my fingers are on the frets. I'm sure with more practice I'll get the knack of it. I still wish I had RockBand though :S I'm hoping that someone around here gets a copy from the US and is looking for people to play in his band. I wanna try the drums sooooo bad.

So I picked up a copy of Geist I found used for Gamecube. I remember hearing about this game a long time ago when it came out but I was bummed cause it was only for Gamecube and I didn't have one. Gonna have to check it out when I get the chance now.

Other than that no real news for today. Just been keeping tabs on the Rockband community forums to see if there are any announcements and checking people opinions. Mostly interested in seeing if anyone around here got a copy and if US warranties are being honored in Canada for those who imported their copy. I went with a friend and watched Enchanted tonight. It was pretty good. I have to look at it as a farce of the standard Disney style fairy tale. I think if someone went to watch it as a 'serious' movie they'd be less impressed with it. James Marsden... prepare to be typecast!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Apparantly Alaska has alot of copies of Rockband. Anyone up for a roadtrip?!

Still no RockBand :( I tried again today at opening to see if they got any but they didn't. I could get the stand alone copy from Microplay in the next week or so but I want the bundle. They are all over Ebay now, but for hugely elevated prices. I also saw one add from Hamilton on and the guy was asking $400! I sent him an email and cussed him out lol. I hate when people do that. I applaud him for bringing it back to Canada from the US and would expect him to add a little on to the total for his time/gas etc, but he's charging over double what the thing costs. That's just greedy. What's worse is there is probably some little kid who was in line behind him when he bought his second copy who is now not going to get one himself cause they are sold out. We all know though, people like that have no conscience.

So I decided that I'd pick up GH3 again to serve as a substitute for RockBand until it arrives. Boy have I gotten bad at it in just the few weeks I've gone without playing it. I'll have to get cracking on practicing so that I improve by time Dec 20th rolls around. I do have all songs completed on Medium though, and just need to get 5 stars on one of those songs to have 5 stars on all of the Medium songlist. Damned Slayer!


Monday, November 19, 2007

O RockBand-eo, RockBand-eo, wherefore art thou RockBand-eo?

Well RockBand has been delayed for Canada. Lots of rumors being tossed around as to why. One being bilingual packaging woes and another being to fill US pre-orders. Personally I think thats bull crap. If you are low on stock you don't alienate an entire country. You spread out what you have and ration it and give everyone a fair chance at getting a shot at buying it. There is talk of getting some copies shipped in from the US into some local stores, and some stores saying that they already have copies but there is no definate confirmation of this. Just word of mouth. Now, I can deal with the delay, but the way they may be handling this is by trickling in supply to Canada between now and the new year. The problem with that being that without knowing exactly when shipments are coming in, trying to track some down is going to be luck. I'm hoping they do an actual delay and don't sell any till a certain date that way we can all storm the stores at the same time and hope for a copy.

On a brighter note I finished Assassin's Creed. It's a good game, but it does has its flaws. The biggest such being repetition. I'm thinking about working out a formal reviewing system and review the games that I finish. When I figure that out I'll start posting here. Since I am playing older games often, I'll have to try and keep in mind the dates when the games were released and try and keep my reviews based on back then. Like obviosuly an old PS2 game will have crap graphics as opposed to a new 360 game so I'd have to try and base my review around the technology and graphics of similar games of it's time.

Anyways, Heroes is on now so I'm out!


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Apparantly the all-mighty assassin cannot swim?

Played a little more Assassin's Creed today. It's a pretty good game but it does get very repetative quickly. I'm hoping to push through and finish it by Tuesday when RockBand comes out. Must... get... Rockband.

I went to guelph on Saturday to check out the grand opening of a new games store. I thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be and I was quite disappointed. The store itself wasn't even that good. On the upside though I did finally learn how to play Magic: The Gathering. I've got some cards too that I've had for like ever for an unknown reason too. Its not enough to make a playable deck, but maybe I can grab some more cards and work with what I have. It was actually alot of fun, but I cant commit as much funding to it as other people I know. Videogames come first with me lol!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"The pointy end goes in the man!"

Let's see... I started playing GTA3 for the PS2 the other day but I put that down for Assassin's Creed for the 360. First off, I must say that this game is very shiny. The graphics are really great and the size of the cities and the amount going on in them is emmense. I hope that Rockstar has something like that in mind for GTA4. I've only performed 2 assassinations so far so I'm not that far into the game but I can say that I'm really enjoying it thus far. Climbing around to the different vantage points in each city to map the layout is great as is doing the little tasks for the civilians in return for their help. I'll get into it in more detail once I've finished the game.

My copy of Red Steel came into my local Beat Goes On today. I had them ship it over from Ajax to this location so I could use my store credit on it. It's the game that I had originally wanted for the Wii before I got Zelda. I heard the controls sucked tho so I kind of passed on it until now. I'll let you know how it fairs!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New games!

No real new gaming update today as it's been pretty hectic. However, I managed to snag a couple new games today. First my copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee I ordered off of E-bay arrived today. It was pretty quick to arrive since I just ordered it mid last week. I bought a copy of this a while ago for 19.99 but it didn't work and I had to take it back. Since then I hadn't seen another copy for around the same price I paid. EB Games is horrible with their used pricing for that game. Damned EB and their ripping offedness! *shakes fist* I bought 5 N64 games today too. I already own 2 of them but it was being sold as a bundle so I'll resell the duplicates or something. I got Super Smash Bros., Zelda: Ocarina of Time (dupe), Zelda: Majora's Mask, Doom 64 and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (dupe). For the amount I paid it would be a good deal for even just Zelda:MM and Smash Bros alone. More fuel to the fire that is my gaming! I've wanted both Smash Bros games for a while but they were always so hard to find but now I have them.

Yesterday I popped Super Mario 64 into my DS and had some fun with it. It's a little different than the original (I'm playing as Yoshi o.o) but I haven't gotten that far into it yet to know how much different it is. On a side note I got my DS left shoulder button working again by blowing on it. I know it sounds strange but I read it on a forum and apparently it works. Oh, Nintendo... You and your 'blowing on things to fix them'. When will you ever learn?

No Wii Fitness update for today, I'll make sure I get tomorrow's though.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the sword of immeasurable power!

"One can never have too many swords! That's like having too much air to breathe, or too many women to sleep with!"

After his victory in the Arena, Scynthe set off in search of his sister again. He found and her and she revealed to him a secret power that runs in the blood of their family. On top of this she revealed that our mother was also still alive and held captive by Jack of Blades, the highest ranked hero ever to have existed. Scynthe set off in search of her and found himself mowing down an unrelentless mob of undead that stood in his way. He eventually reached the prison where his mother was being kept but he himself was captured and was forced to live in a cell for an entire year. On the anniversary of his capture he snuck into the wardens office, stole the key to his cell and escaped the prison together with his mother. Shortly after his exodus from the prison, Scynthe decided it was time to start a family and set out to woo the Mayor of Bowerstone; Lady Grey. Another had his eye on her for himself however. Thunder, Whispers older brother, also wished to be with Lady Grey and the two dueled for the right to marry her. Scynthe was ultimately triumphant and returned to Lady Grey. Soon after the two were married and Scynthe inherited another property from his marriage as well as a hansom dowry. Life wouldn't be simple for Scynthe however. His mother was again kidnapped by Jack of Blades after uncovering his plot. On top of this Maze, the Hero that saved me as a child, appears to have a role in all of this. Before she was taken his mother left the details of what was happening to the Guildmaster for him to relay to Scynthe. Upon hearing what his mother had found he set off to find and and finish this once and for all. He travelled to Hook Coast where he found Maze and his Sister. Scynthe confronted Maze and Maze turned on him. Scynthe had no choice but to defeat Maze. He then went after Jack of Blades. He had found the Sword of Aeons, a mythical sword told to possess unimaginable power. The secret to its power was the blood of our family and to charge the sword Jack killed Scynthe's mother. The final battle was waged between Jack and Scynthe and in the end Scynthe stood victorious. Jack's defeat caused a rift in time and space and a vortex formed where he was slain. Scynthe was left with a choice. The sword was his for the taking now. All the power in the world could be his and all he had to do was take the sword and strike down his sister. Her blood would awaken the blade completely. Scynthe was sincerely tempted, but his life had seen enough bloodshed and he had commited far too many acts of evil. As a last attempt as Salvation Scynthe threw the sword into the vortex where it was never to be seen again. He returned home to his wife and put away his sword and armor for good and settled down for the rest of his days.

The End.

Sooooooo I finally finished Fable. My Xbox didn't make it any easier on me though. I kept getting disc read errors at the most inopportune times. I lost alot of progress before I got into the habit of saving every 5 minutes or so incase I had another error an crashed.I got pretty evil there for a while too but at the very end I chose the path of good. I completed the main story line, all the sidequests, collected all the legendary weapons, found all 25 silver keys and maxed out all the abilities. Pretty much everything I could accomplish in the game I did. Only took me over 3 years lol. I had bought the game when it first came out and had really high hopes for it. Too high infact, as the game didn't live up to my expectations and it kinda got shelved. Not that the game was bad, far from it. It was just that when they made this game they promised soooo much but fell short of their goals. It's not really their fault though. They were too ambitious to begin with. Let's hope the upcoming Fable 2 delivers on what they originally promised.

Next game: I have no idea! Something shorter!!!

Todays Fitness Age: 27


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Things changed when I rolled 666 skill points...

"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil." - Hannah Arendt

Well I guess I no longer walk the path of neutrality. When the number of the beast appeared as the number of experience points I earned in skill I knew it could not be a good omen. Things changed after that. A fork appeared along the path he walked and he chose the darker more sinister looking of the two. The subtle changes should have been enough hint of what was to come. He cast aside his Bright Chainmail armor and donned the new Dark Plate. His Golden Harvest tattoo overwritten with The Eyes of Skorm. The definative point, however, came in the arena. His long time friend and rival and he stood side by side in the arena having just vanquished all foes. Two victors remained yet only one prize could be won. The official demanded a duel to the death and to the victor a bonus prize. "Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." - Stephen King. This statement is true, and in the arena Greed reared it's ugly head. Scynthe had defeated his friend but had not killed her yet. She pleaded for her life, but it was all in vain, there was no changing his path. With a final blow it was over. The crowd cheered and for a while I was caught up in the applause, then guilt struck me. It was too late to change what he had done, but he was starting to regret it. 10000 gold, while a tidy sum, could have been easily enough attained later through other means. It was too late for that now though. He would have to live with the consequences of his actions and a brother who has sworn vengeance for the death of his sister.

So yeah... I kinda went the whole opposite direction with the neutrality thingy... >.> I guess this character can be evil afterall. Maybe I'll play through again later with a purely good character to offset my new evil ways. Or perhaps redemption is possible for his heinous actions. Only time will tell.

Todays Fitness Age: 34

Thats all for today. Check back tomorrow for more!


Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm sorry, did you say something? My axe is a little hard of hearing.

"I have absolutely no idea how your club found its way into my pocket Officer! Are you sure you didn't give it to me?"

Well I'm 7 in-game days into my Fable endeavour. This is my character Scynthe (of course). At the moment he is 34 and specializes in a mix of Melee and Ranged combat with a few combat enhancing spells thrown in there for good measure. Currently equipped in full Bright Chainmail with a Obsidian Greataxe and an Oak Crossbow. He's also a kleptomaniac and tends to steal anything and everything he can when such opportunities arise. During his questing he has managed to procure 4 different trophies which he displays with pride. Currently Scynthe owns 2 houses. One is in Bowerstone which he rents out for income and the other house he purchased was his families old house which he grew up in before being whisked off to the Hero's Guild after the Oakvale massacre in which he lost his entire family. In his actions, Scynthe attempts to remain true neutral but is currently slightly on the lawful side.

Not sure how far I am into the game but I've been enjoying it so far. I passed all the guild tests with A+ scores and have tried to do all the subquests I've come across. I've also passed the first level test of the Fist Fighters Club. I would have had the second too but in the last round I missed a crucial dodge and ate a knuckle sandwich. Tomorrow I'll invest some more time into the game and see how far I get.

New feature being implemented today. From this day on every day I shall be doing the Wii Sports; Wii Fitness feature and displaying my score here.

Todays Fitness Age: 37


PS> I watched Underdog today. It was pretty good. It has a lot of funny memorable quotes too. God bless Jason Lee!

Friday, November 9, 2007

A doctor cures you while I medic just makes you more comfortable as you die!

"I told the Doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to stay away from those places!"

Well I finished Trauma Center: Second Opinion and man is my hand cramped. That games gets really intense at times. I played through all 6 chapters including the second story line with the female doctor. I really enjoyed the surgeries where I was operating on physical trauma victims, while the timed missions with multiple patients were a pain. In the first one like that I had to treat 5 patients in 10 minutes and I managed to slap the final bandage on the last one with 1 1/2 seconds left on the clock. Now that's cutting it close! I did enjoy the game as a whole though some of the missions seemed tedious. The story was pretty good too, nothing spectacular, but it kept me interested for the most part. It was nice to give my Wii a little workout too. I sat in line over night at a Walmart in Stoney Creek waiting to get my system and a copy of Zelda. It was freezing but we brought blankets and chairs and such to keep some of the chill off. It was a good experience though and now I can say that I actually sat in line over night for something (though I probably shouldn't be admitting that too much...).

Next on my list is Fable.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Now I know how a flea feels....

Never fear! The Fantastic Flea-man is here!!!

Another game finished! I popped in Shadow the Colossus which I bought used a few months ago from (I recommend this site for buying and selling). I had always wanted to play it since it came out but my PS2 hasn't really seen much action in the last few years. After seeing it again in the movie Reign Over Me my interest was recaptured and that when I bought it. I had it for about 5-6 months before I actually put it in to play it today. I'm a procrastinator, so sue me! (Note: Please don't actually sue me o.o;;; ) Anyways I played through the game and I must say it is awesome. I couldn't believe the size of the Colossi. I mean yeah I knew they were big but until you stand at the foot of one you don't actually grasp the size. Finding the ways onto them and climbing around them was a lot of fun and I now have a greater respect for fleas as they do the same thing every day of their lives. The story in the game was great too. I won't give away any spoilers tho, so if you haven't played it you should do so asap and experience it for yourself. I've heard that this game is a distant prequel to Ico which was released for the PS2 a long long time ago. Now I need to find myself a copy of that game :S

I rented Trauma Center for the Wii earlier this week and am about 1/2 way through it. I might pick at it again tonight. I don't want to finish it that quickly tho lol. Must make rentals last!


PS> Spoiler Alert!!! This video is of someone killing all the colossi in the game insanely fast. I would suggest giving it a peep.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!

Damned talking mushrooms! Why do you have so many castles anyways??!

Well one game down, unknown amount to go. I figured if I was starting off what better place to start than with Super Mario Bros. for the NES. I remember when this game came out and how badly I wanted a NES so I could play it. Prior to that the majority of my gaming was done on my Atari 2600 and my Colecovision. The NES seemed like such a big step up from those older systems. It was one of the first games I can remember really wanting and really playing alot when I was younger but I never remembered beating it until now. Playing it was fun, but I found it to be very frustrating at times. For a while World 1-3 was the bane of my existance. I had such a hard time with that one for some reason. And in the later levels I don't remember coming across a single mushroom. Running around as regular Mario just isnt anywhere as fun as being Super Mario and smashing those blocks. Speaking of which, is Super Mario Bros the first game with destructable environments?

On another note, less than 2 weeks until Rockband is released. I'm soooo excited. I've always loved the Guitar Hero games and though its an unrelated franchise, Rockband seems to be the next logical progression. I'm going to grab my copy as soon as the store opens. I can't wait to get my hands on the drums that come with it.

Next game TBD. Check back to find out!

Welcome to my new blog!


First Post! Whooo! Welcome to my new blog. I created this to record my thoughts and feels as I go back and play the games that I have amassed over the years but that I have either never played or played very briefly. There are probably many awesome games that I have missed out on playing over the years and have finally decided to go back and try to give them a good run through. I have what I refer to as "Video Game ADD" where I start playing a game and then something else catches my attention and I end up losing interest in the game I was playing. This happens very often to me. So often that I have very rarely finished a game to completion. I'm trying to stop this horrible habit of mine and thats part of the reason for this blog. I am hoping that writing this blog will help give me motivation to finish what I've started. Hopefully you will also find it entertaining and informative.

I haven't quite decided which game to start with first yet. I'm thinking about popping in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time into my N64 and giving that a run through, but maybe I should start with something a little less consuming. I'll keep you posted on what I decide!
