Monday, November 12, 2007

Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the sword of immeasurable power!

"One can never have too many swords! That's like having too much air to breathe, or too many women to sleep with!"

After his victory in the Arena, Scynthe set off in search of his sister again. He found and her and she revealed to him a secret power that runs in the blood of their family. On top of this she revealed that our mother was also still alive and held captive by Jack of Blades, the highest ranked hero ever to have existed. Scynthe set off in search of her and found himself mowing down an unrelentless mob of undead that stood in his way. He eventually reached the prison where his mother was being kept but he himself was captured and was forced to live in a cell for an entire year. On the anniversary of his capture he snuck into the wardens office, stole the key to his cell and escaped the prison together with his mother. Shortly after his exodus from the prison, Scynthe decided it was time to start a family and set out to woo the Mayor of Bowerstone; Lady Grey. Another had his eye on her for himself however. Thunder, Whispers older brother, also wished to be with Lady Grey and the two dueled for the right to marry her. Scynthe was ultimately triumphant and returned to Lady Grey. Soon after the two were married and Scynthe inherited another property from his marriage as well as a hansom dowry. Life wouldn't be simple for Scynthe however. His mother was again kidnapped by Jack of Blades after uncovering his plot. On top of this Maze, the Hero that saved me as a child, appears to have a role in all of this. Before she was taken his mother left the details of what was happening to the Guildmaster for him to relay to Scynthe. Upon hearing what his mother had found he set off to find and and finish this once and for all. He travelled to Hook Coast where he found Maze and his Sister. Scynthe confronted Maze and Maze turned on him. Scynthe had no choice but to defeat Maze. He then went after Jack of Blades. He had found the Sword of Aeons, a mythical sword told to possess unimaginable power. The secret to its power was the blood of our family and to charge the sword Jack killed Scynthe's mother. The final battle was waged between Jack and Scynthe and in the end Scynthe stood victorious. Jack's defeat caused a rift in time and space and a vortex formed where he was slain. Scynthe was left with a choice. The sword was his for the taking now. All the power in the world could be his and all he had to do was take the sword and strike down his sister. Her blood would awaken the blade completely. Scynthe was sincerely tempted, but his life had seen enough bloodshed and he had commited far too many acts of evil. As a last attempt as Salvation Scynthe threw the sword into the vortex where it was never to be seen again. He returned home to his wife and put away his sword and armor for good and settled down for the rest of his days.

The End.

Sooooooo I finally finished Fable. My Xbox didn't make it any easier on me though. I kept getting disc read errors at the most inopportune times. I lost alot of progress before I got into the habit of saving every 5 minutes or so incase I had another error an crashed.I got pretty evil there for a while too but at the very end I chose the path of good. I completed the main story line, all the sidequests, collected all the legendary weapons, found all 25 silver keys and maxed out all the abilities. Pretty much everything I could accomplish in the game I did. Only took me over 3 years lol. I had bought the game when it first came out and had really high hopes for it. Too high infact, as the game didn't live up to my expectations and it kinda got shelved. Not that the game was bad, far from it. It was just that when they made this game they promised soooo much but fell short of their goals. It's not really their fault though. They were too ambitious to begin with. Let's hope the upcoming Fable 2 delivers on what they originally promised.

Next game: I have no idea! Something shorter!!!

Todays Fitness Age: 27


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