Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Welcome to my new blog!


First Post! Whooo! Welcome to my new blog. I created this to record my thoughts and feels as I go back and play the games that I have amassed over the years but that I have either never played or played very briefly. There are probably many awesome games that I have missed out on playing over the years and have finally decided to go back and try to give them a good run through. I have what I refer to as "Video Game ADD" where I start playing a game and then something else catches my attention and I end up losing interest in the game I was playing. This happens very often to me. So often that I have very rarely finished a game to completion. I'm trying to stop this horrible habit of mine and thats part of the reason for this blog. I am hoping that writing this blog will help give me motivation to finish what I've started. Hopefully you will also find it entertaining and informative.

I haven't quite decided which game to start with first yet. I'm thinking about popping in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time into my N64 and giving that a run through, but maybe I should start with something a little less consuming. I'll keep you posted on what I decide!


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