Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Orange button in Guitar Hero is a mini-boss!

I played some more Guitar Hero today. I had previously beaten both GH2 and GH3 on Easy and Medium and now it was time to start Hard. That orange button is a pain in of itself. It takes alot of getting used to to be able to shift your fingers over for it. I'm starting to get the hang of it though. I'm about 10 songs into Hard on GH2 and about 1/2 way or more through GH3. I'm stuck on one song right now that I figured if I took a little break from I'd be better at it when I tried again.

Before I rented Assassin's Creed I was playing GTA3 so I figured I'd pop that in the ol' PS2 again and continue. I played a bit more today and got to Stauntan Island for the first time. Yay... even more spots to get lost. Is there a map feature in this game aside from the mini-map that I have overlooked? It would make life soooo much easier. Anyways, imma take a break from GTA3 and wander off to watch a movie. I watched Blades of Glory last night. The beginning was kinda boring but it got better towards the end. The chase scene was great! I laughed during that more than throughout the rest of the movie combined. Later Gators!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say...stop playing guitar hero so much, as we noticed last night, your hand is permanently in 'guitar holding' mode. It looks silly :)