Well RockBand has been delayed for Canada. Lots of rumors being tossed around as to why. One being bilingual packaging woes and another being to fill US pre-orders. Personally I think thats bull crap. If you are low on stock you don't alienate an entire country. You spread out what you have and ration it and give everyone a fair chance at getting a shot at buying it. There is talk of getting some copies shipped in from the US into some local stores, and some stores saying that they already have copies but there is no definate confirmation of this. Just word of mouth. Now, I can deal with the delay, but the way they may be handling this is by trickling in supply to Canada between now and the new year. The problem with that being that without knowing exactly when shipments are coming in, trying to track some down is going to be luck. I'm hoping they do an actual delay and don't sell any till a certain date that way we can all storm the stores at the same time and hope for a copy.
On a brighter note I finished Assassin's Creed. It's a good game, but it does has its flaws. The biggest such being repetition. I'm thinking about working out a formal reviewing system and review the games that I finish. When I figure that out I'll start posting here. Since I am playing older games often, I'll have to try and keep in mind the dates when the games were released and try and keep my reviews based on back then. Like obviosuly an old PS2 game will have crap graphics as opposed to a new 360 game so I'd have to try and base my review around the technology and graphics of similar games of it's time.
Anyways, Heroes is on now so I'm out!
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