Friday, December 14, 2007

'Ace Combat Six'? More like 'Ace Combat Sux'!

Sorry for the lack of update for the last few days. It's been pretty hectic around here. My parents left for Florida, like they do every year, and I'm left alone to run the family business. I have twice the workload right now than I normally do. It calms down closer to Christmas though luckily. I can't really complain cause I make a fair amount while they are gone. Just doesn't leave me much time for games.

I played 9 out of (16 I think) missions of Ace Combat 6. The graphics were amazing and very life-like but I just wasn't getting into the game. I had no intention of every buying or renting it but I couldn't beat the deal I got it for. Anyways, after trudging through 9 missions I finally had my fill of the game. Playing any more would be forced labor and not any fun at all. If playing isn't going to be fun, it's not worth it. So I traded the game in at Blockbuster for 38$ credit. This was great seeing as I only paid 20$ for it. Yay 18$ profit!

While I was at blockbuster I was rummaging through the games section and found a used copy of Soul Calibur II for Gamecube on sale for 4.99$. For that price I couldn't go wrong. I've always liked the Soul Calibur games. They one of my three favorite fighting game franchises, the others being Dead or Alive and Capcom fighting games. The version of this game for Gamecube has Link from Zelda as the guest character. On Xbox they have Spawn for the guest character and for PS2 they have Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken franchise. I played through once quickly as Link to test it and make sure that it worked and it did. Link was actually very enjoyable to play. I was kind of skeptical as I thought it was more of a gimmic than anything else but he's a well rounded character.

Anyways, Not sure whether to start Two Worlds for Xbox360 or Final Fantasy XII for PS2. I might wait until I have a bit more time closer to Christmas/New Years.


PS>On a side note, if anyone knows where I can get VHS cases with transparent sleeves please let me know. I want to put my N64 and SNES games in them and print off labels. I can get them on Ebay but shipping is kinda pricey. Color doesn't matter as long as they have the sleeves and I'd prefer them without the center hubs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! I have seen those somewhere, but I can't remember where =/