Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh snows? Oh noes!!!

I finished Mass Effect today! Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been quite busy with work lately and haven't had to time to play any games :( After I finished work today though I popped in Mass Effect and finally finished it. The story was awesome and I can't wait for a sequel. I hope Bioware doesn't pass it off to Obsidian to develop the sequel though like they did with Knights of the Old Republic II and Neverwinter Nights II. Not that Obsidian makes bad games, they are just not as good as the product that Bioware produces.

I joined a D&D group this weekend. We had our first session this Saturday. It's going to take a little getting used to but I'm enjoying it. We are playing AD&D 2nd Edition and I'm a level one Mountain Dwarf fighter named Daelyn. The more I play, the more I'll get into it and it will feel like I am actually contributing. Right now it's kinda just me tagging along and observing and seeing how things work. I need to read the book on Dwarves so I can learn how to roleplay as one better.

Anyways, just a quick update to say that I finished the game. Not sure what I'm going to attempt next though. I have KOTOR and KOTORII so I could keep a Bioware RPG theme going and play those. I also have Jade Empire coming in soon from Ebay too which is another. I think for now I'll just relax and think about it some more in the morning.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

D&D group eh? I want to join one of those, but I completely lack experience in RP and in the whole 'game' in general (read... I dunno how to play but I wanna)