Sunday, November 18, 2007

Apparantly the all-mighty assassin cannot swim?

Played a little more Assassin's Creed today. It's a pretty good game but it does get very repetative quickly. I'm hoping to push through and finish it by Tuesday when RockBand comes out. Must... get... Rockband.

I went to guelph on Saturday to check out the grand opening of a new games store. I thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be and I was quite disappointed. The store itself wasn't even that good. On the upside though I did finally learn how to play Magic: The Gathering. I've got some cards too that I've had for like ever for an unknown reason too. Its not enough to make a playable deck, but maybe I can grab some more cards and work with what I have. It was actually alot of fun, but I cant commit as much funding to it as other people I know. Videogames come first with me lol!


Amanda said...

i hope you aren't referring to me :P

Scynthe said...

About the funding thing? I meant you and Matt and everyone else who plays the game. You guys with your multiple decks :P I'm affraid to know how many cards Ryan has. Something tells me he has alloootttt.